The Armchair Journalist Podcast

The Armchair Journalist Podcast

Hosted by: Thom Reaves

Touching upon topics of happiness, faith, mental health and daily living through the lens of the Bible, Thom explores what it means to live as a Christian today and experience the abundant life we have when we know...

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Ep 24 You’re Doing it Wrong

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Ep 23 Gay 101: A Testimony

In this episode, Thom gives a touching and very personal account of his life living as a gay man, the effects of gay culture on him and how the great gift given to him as a child, opened his eyes to a new life.
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Ep 22 Psalm 139 How Big is God?

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Ep 21. Know Which Way to Go, Every Time

In this episode, Thom explores how depression may cause you to doubt everything in your life and not know in which direction to go. Proverbs 3:5-6 has the answer - and it works every time.
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Ep 20. 10 Lessons from a Loved One’s Addiction

Addictions are very difficult to handle for those addicted to some substance and the people who love them. In dealing with the addiction of a loved one, Thom has learned some valuable lessons. Using the Word of God,...
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Ep. 19 When a Heavy Heart Crushes You

Go to for the free pdf How to deal with anything: 9 tips to help you in any situation. Life is hard. Sometimes the weight of the world threatens to crush us beneath it. God promises us...
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Ep 18 Disillusioned with religion?

In this episode, Thom talks about how you may be disillusioned with religion; about having to do things over and over in certain ways to get God to hear you. How these things can leave you feeling empty and what the...
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Ep 17 The Lilies Of The Field

In this episode Thom talks about the worry we experience - especially in our depression and what we’re supposed to do with it.
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Ep 16 Do Something!

As Christians we know that God heals and the more we learn we find that God heals us in many different ways. Thom discusses how God works through us and how if we say we have faith it requires us to act.
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Ep 15 Help For When You Are Tired

Are you tired, agitated and just plain fed up with all the stuff going on in your life? Today, Thom speaks some rest into you through the reading of comforting and encouraging scripture verses. Sit back, have a listen...
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Ep 14 About That Bad Attitude!

Thom discusses your attitude and how God’s purpose for us in Jesus Christ can help us stand our current situation and be able to look past it to the bigger picture.
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Ep 13 How to Endure Suffering

In this episode Thom talks about how the loving care a master has for his dog compares to the way God cares for us when we have to go through things that may be painful and cause us suffering. To help you trust God...
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